Glitter cell (viable WBC) within coarse granular cast - bright field unstained, orig magnification x1000 - from pt of @DerekSLarson presenting with nephrotic syndrome and AKI - #UrinarySediment #UrineMicroscopy
— Jay R. Seltzer (@jrseltzer) May 10, 2023
Oval fat bodies, lipid droplets, hyaline casts, and a couple cells - oblique illumination with SM stain - from pt of @DerekSLarson presenting with nephrotic syndrome and AKI - #UrinarySediment #UrineMicroscopy
— Jay R. Seltzer (@jrseltzer) May 10, 2023
Cilindros leucocitarios (algunos con inclusiones lipidicas) rodeados de eritrocitos (algunos dismorficos), microscopia de contraste de fase, tinción de Sternheimer-Malbin. Sospecha de glomerulonefritis. Biopsia pendiente. #SedimentoUrinario
— Juan Carlos Q Velez (@VelezNephHepato) March 31, 2021
Acanthocyturia, suspected IgA nephropathy #MickeyMouse clubhouse @GlomConILA #UrinarySediment
— Juan Carlos Q Velez (@VelezNephHepato) April 6, 2023
Leukocyturia (many neutrophils) and a cluster of renal tubular epithelial cells (right top corner, fucsia) in #UrinarySediment #UrineMicroscopy culture negative, proliferative lupus GN #PisseProphet
— Juan Carlos Q Velez (@VelezNephHepato) May 19, 2022
Closer look at the same cells
— Juan Carlos Q Velez (@VelezNephHepato) May 19, 2022